Produce Exchange Australia

Our services

At Produce Exchange Australia we provide you with a complete service for your fresh produce needs. Not only can we source the best quality produce from Australian and international growers but our experienced team can manage the entire supply chain for you, including procurement, shipment, quality storage and distribution. 




What we can do for you

specialist expertise and local knowledge

Because of our centralised location we are always “in the know” when it comes to sourcing the freshest products at the best prices. Looking for products to fill counter-seasonal gaps in your supply program? We can help. 

Centralised hub for product consolidation

We have exclusive supply relationships with growers nationally and worldwide and our proximity to the wholesale market enables us to efficiently consolidate loads according to our customers' requirements. 

State of the art cold-room, storage and handling facilities

Cold-chain reliability is paramount – we work closely with our supply partners to ensure we always have dedicated storage space available for our customers when required. 

Dedicated and experienced fresh produce profesSionals

Our dedicated staff are some of the most experienced in the industry and work tirelessly to ensure we deliver on Quality, Consistency and Value.

Access to a diverse range of protocol and logistics options

We have long standing working relationships with professional and reliable logistics providers who value service and communication as much as we do. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure your shipment transits and arrives safely every time.

third party Packaging solutions

We are able to co-ordinate the consolidation and pre-packing of loose product to fulfil your order requirements. We work closely with experienced packing professionals to ensure all quality and retail specifications are met.