Produce Exchange Australia

About us

Produce Exchange Australia is a purveyor of local and international premium quality fresh produce. We are committed to delivering Quality, Consistency and Value to our customers throughout every step of the supply chain. The team at Produce Exchange Australia have over 30 years combined experience in the  marketing and trading of fresh produce worldwide.

Our Team  |  Accreditations  |  Supply Partners




Our Team

Rebecca Curmi
Managing Director

A respected industry professional Rebecca is the founder of Produce Exchange Australia. Drive and passion are two words that can be used to describe Rebecca who has a long and successful track record in the Fresh Produce industry. Sales, quality assurance, marketing, account management and importing are amongst the key areas that Rebecca excels.

Jamie Yates
businss development manager

As a seasoned produce expert, Jamie’s expertise lies at the intersection of exports, sales, new business development and supply chain management within the agricultural industry. With a comprehensive understanding of the global market trends and a keen eye for emerging opportunities, Jamie navigates the complexities of international trade with a results-driven approuch.

Our Quality Accreditations

Produce Exchange Australia complies with both national and international requirements in regards to food safety. Regular audits and staff training are undertaken to ensure that we are continually updating and reviewing our systems and standards ensuring our compliance and ability to deliver the freshest produce.

HARPS (Harmonised Australian Retailer Produce Scheme)

Freshcare Food Safety & Quality

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Our Supply Partners